Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Afternoon Togetherness

I just love Sunday afternoon nap time at our house.  Not a care in the world and such precious snuggle time.  I know all too soon Ethan won't want Mommy snuggles anymore so I am thoroughly enjoying them while I can.

It is always such a peaceful moment at our house.  The big kids can read books play Legos or do whatever they want for two hours.  No homework, no after school activities, just plain old enjoy themselves.  And for some reason, there are never any quarrels, either.  It is just absolute peacefulness.  

Thursday, March 20, 2014

2014 East Idaho Home and Garden Show

2014 East Idaho Home and Garden Show in Idaho Falls, Idaho
Can you tell what the kids favorite part of the 2014 East Idaho Home and Garden Show was?  Out of hundreds of vendors, the girls and cousins had so much fun playing with the day old baby quail at their favorite, the Coop Craft booth.  As you can see, they are VERY tiny and absolutely adorable.  We were at the booth a long time as the kids just didn't want to be pulled away.  Even Ethan, our toddler, liked them although he was too nervous about what they were too touch them.  Obviously the bigger kids didn't have any issues with that.

Kids at the Coop Craft Booth at the East Idaho Home and Garden Show
Can we keep one?

One of the King cousins kept asking if she could take one home with her since they were only $2.  The quail is the cheap part.  It's the rest that adds up quick!  Although, I did get some ideas if we ever decide to do chickens again.  The vendor used a small fish tank with wire mesh on the bottom and a heat lamp.  We happen to have several currently empty fish tanks and an unused heat lamp on hand.  Great idea for baby chicks.  

Free Date Night couples movie pass from Clearwater Spa at East Idaho Home and Garden ShowWe all had fun at the Clearwater Spa booth playing miniature golf.  The kids got a piece of candy for trying and if they made the put then they got a big candy bar.  Only one kid made the put but I got lucky and made one, too.  The gentleman then sent me to the next levels and told me I could win a free date night if I made it.  Wahoo!  Hubby and I are going out while oldest babysits!  Totally free date night.  Thanks Clearwater Spa!

Fire pit with seating by Bushman Landscaping Inc at 2014 East Idaho Home and Garden Show
Hubby and I's next favorite booths were the landscaping designers: Outback Landscape Inc., Lawn Tech, Bushman Landscaping Inc., and Merrill Landscaping.  I was hoping to find some ideas for the backyard and I wasn't disappointed  We found several very nice and easy to do firepit design ideas.  The one by Bushman Landscaping, Inc., was our favorite as it had the outer seating area that would fit a lot of people.  I told out oldest we found a fun project for him this summer.  He looked a little wary when I mentioned that as he and our second son weren't there to see it.  Haha.  It will be fun to enlists the kids' help to get it done once the weather warms up. 

All in all we had a good time.  If you happen to be in East Idaho in March, stop by Idaho Falls and check out the East Idaho Home and Garden Show.  We look forward to going again next year!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

YOUR BODY BETTER 6 Week Boot Camp Challenge

Last weekend we had the chance to attend the Idaho Falls Home and Garden Show with Barry's sister and her family.  We had so much fun and got a great idea for improving the yard.  Eventually the dads and the kids had enough, though, and left with most of the kids.  That gave my sister-in-law, Debra, and I the chance to peruse the venue with our two oldest girls and do whatever we wanted.

As mentioned in one of my previous posts, I joined the 40 Bags in 40 Days Declutter Challenge by blogger White House Black Shutters.  I've been toying with the idea of "decluttering" a few pounds while I was working away decluttering the house.  Little did I know I'd run into the perfect opportunity at the Home and Garden Show!

On our last circle around I ran into Anna Larsen, owner of Your Body Better.  I had met with her before about a different business venture and been to her studio.  Somehow Debra and I got sucked into her booth and she told us about her 6 Week Boot Camp Challenge.  Normally it is $189 but for the next little bit it was $159.  But it got even better, she gave us a $100 gift card for our first boot camp which made it only $59 if we wanted to sign up.  NOW she had my attention!

Anna explained she provided personalized meal and fitness plans for each person to help blast away fat and build muscle.  I'll admit her before and after photos of clients looked impressive.  Also, I'd already heard good things about her gym.  So that got me thinking.  Either A) I will have to spend $59+ anyways buying new clothes because mine no longer fit or B) I can spend $59 on the boot camp, get in better shape and enjoy the clothes I already have, along with enjoying a slimmer, healthier me.  You guessed it, no brainer, I joined the 6 Week Boot Camp Challenge!

I'll admit I'd reached the frustrated point with my weight.  I am NOT a morning person and she said we could come in anytime between 5 - 6 a.m. and boot camp workout time ended at 7 a.m.  I used to think people who went in that early to work out were crazy!  But, this fit my schedule perfectly.  I didn't have to get a babysitter, I could get a workout in before the kids got up and get home just in time to get everyone up and ready for school. Plus, I/d have someone planning on my being there so I had accountability.

I'm also not an aerobics class lover.  I actually hate them  because I never know what I am doing and I can't keep up.  Anna explained that everybody works at their own pace on the workout exercises listed so I didn't have to worry about that.  AWESOME.

After having gone for three days already, I can say that I LOVE it!  She provides a list of workout exercises and directions with youtube video links.  We can either do the workouts in the gym or at home..  She has this totally figured out and it is awesome.  It also enables her to help clients all over the country.  I already knew she had some in New York and other places.  Since workouts don't require big machines, they really can be done anywhere.  And they are GOOD workouts!  I can already tell a difference in how my clothes fit.  Yay!

But the real kicker for me to sign up was the customized meal plans.  I'll admit it.  I have HORRIBLE nutrition!  I've never learned how to properly eat and what my body needs.  My mom cooks fantastic but somehow I just didn't pay enough attention growing up.  So, learning how to eat and what works best was really the big motivation for me to sign up.

I got e-mailed my meal plan on the first day after I weighed in and entered some personal info into the database.  At first I thought, "I'm going to starve!".  Everything was in grams which meant absolutely NOTHING to me and it looked very basic.  The one thing we are required to get is a digital scale that will do grams.  You can get them anywhere for around $15 and up.

Apparently my guessing at measurements was not very accurate because once I got the scale and started measuring food I realized I had the opposite problem - how am I going to eat it all?  She'd mentioned this in the welcome letter that we did have to eat everything and now I know why.  

I'm really loving the Your Body Better 6 Week Boot Camp Challenge.  I am learning new ways to eat healthier and to incorporate a lot more vegetables into my diet.  Normally I am a carb/meat loving fiend so the thought of all these vegetables is challenging.  I'm excited to learn new ways to enjoy them, though, and I'm REALLY excited to see what my results for the boot camp are going to be!  After only three days, I've already lost 3.2 lbs.   It's going to be a fun six weeks!

Monday, March 3, 2014

40 Bags in 40 Days 2014 Declutter Challenge

40 Bags in 40 Days Declutter Challenge

I just saw this posted online at a cleaning forum I am part of.  It sounded interested and I am wanting to delclutter as we have WAY too much STUFF!  So, I popped on over to Ann's website.  I'm not Catholic but I am a typical American who needs to simplify.  Sounds like fun so I a joining the party!  I'd much rather spend my life doing fun things then reorganized, picking up, and reorganizing stuff again and again.  I'm so excited to get started.

I've gone in spurts and done big house decluttering sessions before.  But I still find it an amazing phenomenon that I can house again and find more stuff to get rid of.  Plus, it is such an exhilarating feeling to know I am never, ever going to have to pick up whatever said item again.  It's AWESOME!

The basic premise for this challenge is you have 40 days to get 40 bags out of your home.  You can dump it, donate, sell or whatever you want with items as long as they leave your house.  You pick the bag or item size.  It could be a grocery bag you could get rid of a whole couch!  Have fun with it and enjoy simplfying your life.  Stop by the WHSB group pages for team support, too.  We are going to have a good time!

If you are wanting to to join the White House Black Shutter's 40 Bags in 40 Days 2014 Declutter Challenge, stop over at her website, join the Facebook group, Instagram @whsbblog, or follow on Twitter at @whbsblog.

Dare to Dump It! Quote