Friday, June 6, 2014

Less is More

I'm finding an interesting phenomenon in my life lately.  I've noticed I've been writing less about fun stuff to have in our homes and more about getting rid of stuff.  I personally gotten rid of truckloads of crap.  And you know what, I don't miss any of it.  Actually, when I had to name it off for the garage sale add, I couldn't remember what was in the pile.

I've been reading lots of articles about minimalism, decluttering, organizing, etc. After a slight disaster in our house this week, I've discovered the benefits of minimalism and getting rid of stuff.  We literally didn't do any housework for a week except a few loads of dishes.  And, the house didn't fall apart. We have less stuff which means there's less things to make messes with.

I've been sharing lots of articles, blog posts and pictures on Facebook about the fun new lifestyle were trying.  So, I've decided to revamp this blog. Welcome to learning more about simplicity and the fun things in life that really matter.