Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Water Gardening for Kids

It's that time of year again - gardening season.  Everyone is prepping the ground and planting the veggies.  Gardening is a fun activity for all ages.  For kids, though, planting a full garden is a lot of work!  Don't worry, though, your garden buddy can start their own fun little indoor garden with these fun ideas.  Make a fun family night out of it and reap the rewards for months to come.

Green Onions

Thank you to homemadeserenity.blogspot.com for this idea.  Green onions are a piece of cake for kids to grow in a glass. Instead of throwing out the roots of green onions, put them in a glass of water or Ball quart wide mouth jar and place in a sunny windowsill. Add a cup of water and keep onions hydrated.  The green onions will grow and you can trim and use as needed.  She does state she pulls the roots out every so often and rinses them.  If you want to make them look decorative, too, do several cups along the windowsill.


Yup, you can regrow celery the same way, too.  Just save the ends of the celery, put it in a glass with water, and place on your windowsill.  

Romaine Lettuce

This one was surprising for me.  I had no idea you could regrow lettuce indoors.  Like green onions and celery, Top Inspired states all you need is a container and some water.  Old sour cream containers or a wider bowl will work well.  Put the romaine heart in about 1/2" of water in the container and water every few days.  When the leaves are big enough, you can trim them to eat and keep growing the plant. Top Inspired also have several other fun ideas for veggies to regrow if you are interested.

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